Данная программа на VB.NET позволяет вам прочитать сообщения из блога blogger.com компании google. Это может потребоваться для развития и рекламы вашего сайта. Гораздо удобнее вводить статьи в блоге, а потом отображать их на сайте.
Imports System.TextImports Google.GData.Client Imports System.Net Imports System.Xml Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions ' https://developers.google.com/blogger/docs/2.0/developers_guide_dotnet Namespace BloggerDevSample ' Это консольное приложение для тестирования работы с блогом blogger.com ' Необходимо загрузить Nuget Google.GData.Blogger. Версия блога 2.0 ' Проект доработан из C# под vb.net. http://google-gdata.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/clients/cs/samples/blogger/ConsoleSample.cs ' Автор: http://www.leadersoft.ru 22.09.2015 ' Public Class ConsoleSample ' Главная программа для тестирования работы с блогом google. Public Shared Sub Main(args As String()) ' 1. Вариант. Получаем список сообщений. Регистрация не нужна Dim blogId As String = "000000" GetListPost(blogId) ' 2. Вариант. Изменяем сообщения ' ClientLogin using username/password authentication Dim username As String Dim password As String If args.Length <> 2 Then Console.WriteLine("Usage: BloggerDevSample.exe <username> <password>") Return Else ' Запуск с параметрами username = args(0) password = args(1) ' Тестирование функции с регистрацией в google для обновления и удаления сообщений. ' Не работают. Прекращена поддержка. Необходимо изучить новую систему регистрации funNonTesting(username, password) End If ' Остановка программы Console.WriteLine("Press enter to quit") Console.ReadLine() End Sub ' Список сообщений. Комментарии тоже можно получить отсюда Shared Sub GetListPost(blogId As String, Optional NumberToRetrieve As Integer = 5) Dim buffer As String = "" Try Dim feedQuery As FeedQuery = New FeedQuery feedQuery.Uri = New Uri("http://www.blogger.com/feeds/" + blogId + "/posts/default") feedQuery.NumberToRetrieve = NumberToRetrieve ' Максимальное число сообщений feedQuery.MinPublication = New DateTime(2015, 9, 21) ' Минимальная дата публикации feedQuery.MaxPublication = New DateTime(2015, 9, 22) ' Максимальная дата публикации Dim googleService As Service = New Service("blogger", "blog.leadersoft.ru") Dim atomFeed As AtomFeed = googleService.Query(feedQuery) Try Dim entry As AtomEntry For Each entry In atomFeed.Entries 'content = entry.Content buffer += "Категории =" For Each cat As AtomCategory In entry.Categories buffer += cat.Term & "," Next buffer += vbNewLine buffer += "Ссылка='" & entry.AlternateUri.ToString & vbNewLine & _ "Заголовок =" & entry.Title.Text & vbNewLine & _ "Содержание =" & entry.Content.Content & vbNewLine & _ "" Next Catch feedEx As Exception buffer = "<p>Ошибка получения сообющения из Blogger.</p>" End Try Catch ex As Exception buffer = "<p><strong>Проблема с Blogger API: </strong>" & ex.Message & "</p>" End Try ' Отображаем содержимое MsgBox(buffer) End Sub ' ----- Данные функции не тестировались, т.к. не прошли идентификацию --- Shared Sub funNonTesting(username As String, password As String) Dim service As New Service("blogger", "blogger-example") service.Credentials = New GDataCredentials(username, password) ListUserBlogs(service) ' Упарвление сообщениями Dim blogPostUri As Uri = SelectUserBlog(service) Dim createdEntry As AtomEntry = PostNewEntry(service, blogPostUri) PostAndDeleteNewDraftEntry(service, blogPostUri) ListBlogEntries(service, blogPostUri) ListBlogEntriesInDateRange(service, blogPostUri) Dim editedEntry As AtomEntry = EditEntry(createdEntry) DeleteEntry(editedEntry) ' Управление комментариями Dim commentPostUri As Uri = SelectBlogEntry(service, blogPostUri) Dim commentEntry As AtomEntry = PostNewComment(service, commentPostUri) ListEntryComments(service, commentPostUri) DeleteComment(commentEntry) End Sub '* Lists the user's blogs. ' Список блогов Public Shared Sub ListUserBlogs(service As Service) Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Retrieving a list of blogs") Dim query As New FeedQuery() ' Retrieving a list of blogs query.Uri = New Uri("http://www.blogger.com/feeds/default/blogs") Dim feed As AtomFeed = Nothing feed = service.Query(query) For Each entry As AtomEntry In feed.Entries Console.WriteLine(" Blog title: " + entry.Title.Text) Next End Sub '* Lists the user's blogs and returns the URI for posting new entries ' * to the blog which the user selected. ' Private Shared Function SelectUserBlog(service As Service) As Uri Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Please select a blog on which to post.") Dim query As New FeedQuery() ' Retrieving a list of blogs query.Uri = New Uri("http://www.blogger.com/feeds/default/blogs") Dim feed As AtomFeed = service.Query(query) ' Publishing a blog post Dim blogPostUri As Uri = Nothing If feed IsNot Nothing Then For Each entry As AtomEntry In feed.Entries ' Print out the title of the Blog Console.WriteLine(" Blog name: " + entry.Title.Text) Console.Write(" Post to this blog? (y/n): ") If Console.ReadLine().Equals("y") Then ' find the href in the link with a rel pointing to the blog's feed For i As Integer = 0 To entry.Links.Count - 1 If entry.Links(i).Rel.Equals("http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#post") Then blogPostUri = New Uri(entry.Links(i).HRef.ToString()) Console.WriteLine(" Your new posts will be sent to " + blogPostUri.AbsoluteUri.ToString()) End If Next Return blogPostUri End If Next End If Return blogPostUri End Function '* Creates a new blog entry and sends it to the specified Uri Private Shared Function PostNewEntry(service As Service, blogPostUri As Uri) As AtomEntry Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Publishing a blog post") Dim createdEntry As AtomEntry = Nothing If blogPostUri IsNot Nothing Then ' construct the new entry Dim newPost As New AtomEntry() newPost.Title.Text = "Marriage!" newPost.Content = New AtomContent() newPost.Content.Content = "<div xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'>" + "<p>Mr. Darcy has <em>proposed marriage</em> to me!</p>" + "<p>He is the last man on earth I would ever desire to marry.</p>" + "<p>Whatever shall I do?</p>" + "</div>" newPost.Content.Type = "xhtml" newPost.Authors.Add(New AtomPerson()) newPost.Authors(0).Name = "Elizabeth Bennet" newPost.Authors(0).Email = "liz@gmail.com" createdEntry = service.Insert(blogPostUri, newPost) If createdEntry IsNot Nothing Then Console.WriteLine(" New blog post created with title: " + createdEntry.Title.Text) End If End If Return createdEntry End Function '* Creates a new blog entry and sends it to the specified Uri Private Shared Sub PostAndDeleteNewDraftEntry(service As Service, blogPostUri As Uri) Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Creating a draft blog post") Dim draftEntry As AtomEntry = Nothing If blogPostUri IsNot Nothing Then ' construct the new entry Dim newPost As New AtomEntry() newPost.Title.Text = "Marriage! (Draft)" newPost.Content = New AtomContent() newPost.Content.Content = "<div xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'>" + "<p>Mr. Darcy has <em>proposed marriage</em> to me!</p>" + "<p>He is the last man on earth I would ever desire to marry.</p>" + "<p>Whatever shall I do?</p>" + "</div>" newPost.Content.Type = "xhtml" newPost.Authors.Add(New AtomPerson()) newPost.Authors(0).Name = "Elizabeth Bennet" newPost.Authors(0).Email = "liz@gmail.com" newPost.IsDraft = True draftEntry = service.Insert(blogPostUri, newPost) If draftEntry IsNot Nothing Then Console.WriteLine(" New draft post created with title: " + draftEntry.Title.Text) ' Delete the newly created draft entry Console.WriteLine(" Press enter to delete the draft blog post") Console.ReadLine() draftEntry.Delete() End If End If End Sub '* Display the titles for all entries in the previously selected blog. Private Shared Sub ListBlogEntries(service As Service, blogUri As Uri) If blogUri IsNot Nothing Then Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Retrieving all blog posts") ' Retrieve all posts in a blog Dim query As New FeedQuery() Console.WriteLine(" Query URI: " + blogUri.ToString()) query.Uri = blogUri Dim feed As AtomFeed = service.Query(query) For Each entry As AtomEntry In feed.Entries Console.WriteLine(" Entry Title: " + entry.Title.Text) Next End If End Sub '* Display title for entries in the blog in the hard coded date range. Private Shared Sub ListBlogEntriesInDateRange(service As Service, blogUri As Uri) Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Retrieving posts using query parameters") ' Retrieve all posts in a blog between Jan 1, 2006 and Apr 12, 2007 Dim query As New FeedQuery() query.Uri = blogUri query.MinPublication = New DateTime(2006, 1, 1) query.MaxPublication = New DateTime(2007, 4, 12) Dim feed As AtomFeed = service.Query(query) For Each entry As AtomEntry In feed.Entries Console.WriteLine(" Entry Title: " + entry.Title.Text) Next End Sub '* Change the contents of the newly created blog entry. Private Shared Function EditEntry(toEdit As AtomEntry) As AtomEntry Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Updating post") ' Edit the new entry If toEdit IsNot Nothing Then toEdit.Title.Text = "Marriage Woes!" Console.WriteLine(" Press enter to update") Console.ReadLine() toEdit = toEdit.Update() End If Return toEdit End Function '* Delete the specified blog entry. Private Shared Sub DeleteEntry(toDelete As AtomEntry) Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Deleting post") ' Delete the edited entry If toDelete IsNot Nothing Then Console.WriteLine(" Press enter to delete the new blog post") Console.ReadLine() toDelete.Delete() End If End Sub '* Get the comments feed URI for the desired blog entry. Private Shared Function SelectBlogEntry(service As Service, blogPostUri As Uri) As Uri Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Please select a blog entry on which to comment.") Dim query As New FeedQuery() query.Uri = blogPostUri Dim feed As AtomFeed = service.Query(query) Dim commentPostUri As Uri = Nothing If feed IsNot Nothing Then For Each entry As AtomEntry In feed.Entries ' Print out the title of the Blog Console.WriteLine(" Blog entry title: " + entry.Title.Text) Console.Write(" Post a comment on this entry? (y/n): ") If Console.ReadLine().Equals("y") Then ' Create the Post URL for adding a comment by finding this entry's id number. ' Find the href in the link with a rel pointing to the blog's feed. For i As Integer = 0 To entry.Links.Count - 1 If entry.Links(i).Rel = "edit" Then Dim commentUriStart As String = Regex.Replace(blogPostUri.ToString(), "/posts/default", "") Dim selfLink As String = entry.Links(i).HRef.ToString() Dim entryId As String = Regex.Replace(selfLink, blogPostUri.ToString() + "/", "") ' Build the comment URI from the blog id in and the entry id. commentPostUri = New Uri((Convert.ToString(commentUriStart & Convert.ToString("/")) & entryId) + "/comments/default") Console.WriteLine(" Your new comments will be sent to " + commentPostUri.ToString()) Return commentPostUri End If Next End If Next End If Return commentPostUri End Function Private Shared Function PostNewComment(service As Service, commentPostUri As Uri) As AtomEntry Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Commenting on a blog post") Dim postedComment As AtomEntry = Nothing If commentPostUri IsNot Nothing Then ' Add a comment. Dim comment As AtomEntry comment = New AtomEntry() comment.Title.Text = "This is my first comment" comment.Content.Content = "This is my first comment" comment.Authors.Add(New AtomPerson()) comment.Authors(0).Name = "Blog Author Name" postedComment = service.Insert(commentPostUri, comment) Console.WriteLine(" Result's title: " + postedComment.Title.Text) End If Return postedComment End Function Private Shared Sub ListEntryComments(service As Service, commentUri As Uri) If commentUri IsNot Nothing Then Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Retrieving all blog post comments") ' Retrieve all comments on a blog entry Dim query As New FeedQuery() Console.WriteLine(" Query URI: " + commentUri.ToString()) query.Uri = commentUri Dim feed As AtomFeed = service.Query(query) For Each entry As AtomEntry In feed.Entries Console.WriteLine(" Comment Title: " + entry.Title.Text) Next End If End Sub Private Shared Sub DeleteComment(commentEntry As AtomEntry) Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Deleting the comment") If commentEntry IsNot Nothing Then ' Delete the comment. Console.WriteLine(" Press enter to delete the new comment post") Console.ReadLine() commentEntry.Delete() End If End Sub ' Регистрация в другом сервисе Google. Shared Sub Blogger_NewLogin() Dim p_service As Google.GData.Client.Service = New Google.GData.Blogger.BloggerService("MyTest") Dim p_parameters As New Google.GData.Client.OAuth2Parameters() Try 'validate token is still good.. 'quick dirty way for now... If (p_parameters.AccessCode Is Nothing) Then 'STEP 1 - configure how to use OAuth 2.0 Dim CLIENT_ID As String = "clientid" Dim CLIENT_SECRET As String = "clientsecret" Dim SCOPE As String = "https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds" Dim REDIRECT_URI As String = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob" 'STEP 2 - set up the OAuth 2.0 object p_parameters.ClientId = CLIENT_ID p_parameters.ClientSecret = CLIENT_SECRET p_parameters.RedirectUri = REDIRECT_URI p_parameters.Scope = SCOPE 'STEP 3 - get the authorization url Dim authorizationUrl As String = Google.GData.Client.OAuthUtil.CreateOAuth2AuthorizationUrl(p_parameters) 'must be logged in as the gmail_account you want to use. 'with the default broswer that launches or will need to login first. Process.Start(authorizationUrl) 'wait until user has entered the code Dim authCode As String = InputBox("Authorisation code", "Authorisation Code", "") 'user will need to get the access token for us from a web page. automate.. p_parameters.AccessCode = authCode 'STEP 4 - get access token Google.GData.Client.OAuthUtil.GetAccessToken(p_parameters) Dim accessToken = p_parameters.AccessToken 'step 5 - make an OAuth authorized request to google Dim p_application_name As String = "test" Dim requestFactory As New Google.GData.Client.GOAuth2RequestFactory(Nothing, p_application_name, p_parameters) p_service.RequestFactory = requestFactory 'once set we dont need to do OAuth until expires End If 'process request as usual here... Dim query As New Google.GData.Blogger.BloggerQuery Dim feed = p_service.Query(query) Debug.Print(feed.TotalResults) Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message) End Try End Sub End Class End Namespace
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